"Watch out for the poop, daddy!" has become a common warning that my 6-year-old daughter thoughtfully blurts out to me before it's too late.
"New normal” has become a buzz phrase used to reference any changes or differences in everyday life as a result of Covid-19: face masks, social distancing, freeway signs alerting the public to “wear a face mask to stop the spread," etc.
I have come across more "new normals," yet to gain much attention, to add to the list. Yes, dog-doo on sidewalks is one of them. The photo above was taken just yesterday.
Part of my daily routine includes either a long, contemplative solo walk—time I use to figure out the next move in my life—or short bike rides around my Marina, California neighborhood with my daughter, a newcomer to riding without training wheels.
After several months of these daily constitutionals, I’ve come to the conclusion that these less-than-civil acts aren't one-time mistakes or accidental, they are “new normals” that aren't going away any time soon.
At the top of the list: Many dog owners, who regularly take their canines on walks around the neighborhood, have stopped cleaning up their dog's business. Meanwhile, used face masks line the streets like discarded cigarette butts.
Maybe there’s been a sudden overall shift in attitude—people believe all hope is lost and are now saying, “Screw it, I’m not picking up my dog’s crap anymore" or, “I don’t see a trashcan, so I’m just going to chuck my old face mask into the gutter.”
While some are disposing of their used face masks anywhere and everywhere but trashcans, the dog shit situation is more aggravating. It would be bad enough if these pooches were only releasing their steamy turds on grassy areas, but for some reason, sidewalks, at least in my neighborhood, have become home to a whole lot of dog feces. From piles of thin and grainy strands likely deposited by toy breeds or a Shih Tzu to massive horse-sized dumps probably produced by larger breeds like Labradors or German Shepherds, it's like Heinz, there are at 57 varieties of dog-doo covering sidewalks intended to be walked on.
These are the same sidewalks also used by my 6-year-old to ride her bike. In addition to making sure she doesn’t crash into fences, mailboxes or fire hydrants, she's had to learn to also avoid piles of dog crap all over the place. A bike ride is now like a shitty obstacle course.
If you can't clean up after your dog, you shouldn't have a dog!
Give Peace of Mind Dog Rescue a ring. They'll find someone willing to love your dog and scoop their poop.
As for those who litter their used face masks everywhere: Next time, try putting it in your pocket until you come across a trashcan. I promise, you won't feel it in your pocket at all. If you don't have any pockets, try shoving it somewhere else on your person.
Open to additional suggestions and any other "new normals" you'd like to share.
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